Michelle got married on Saturday! It turned out to be a fabulous event and all of us bridesmaids were looking great in our fair trade bridesmaids dresses. We’ll be sure to post lots of pics as soon as we get them from the photographer.
But, before we even talk about the dresses, I thought we should go deeper, under the surface, er…under the dress. I’m referring to underwear. For Michelle’s bachelorette party, the plan was for everyone to bring gifts of sexy lingerie for the new bride. Maureen came up with the idea to get Michelle fair trade lingerie, and so I did an online search to find some. Well, it turns out that fair trade lingerie is not that easy to find. In fact, the US is so lacking in this product category that we had to order our sexy fair trade lingerie from the UK.
After looking at several ethical lingerie companies in the UK and France, including Enamore, Peau Ethique, Saumarez, we decided on a pretty floral nightie and matching panties from Luva Huva.

Forget-Me-Not Floral Nightie and Knickers from Luva Huva
With the value of the dollar at a low, in addition to the cost of international shipping, fair trade lingerie was not the most economical option. But, we thought it was important, so Maureen and I split the cost 3 ways along with Michelle’s friend, Laura, who joined in with this gift. When Michelle unwrapped it, she immediately loved the beautiful semi-sheer fabric and simple elegance of the design. She loved it even more when we told her it was fair trade!
If you’re looking for socially responsible underwear from the US, we came across PACT. They don’t have sexy lingerie. In fact, they don’t even have bras. What they do offer are straight up comfy underpants for men and women.