And Mata Traders wins!! …along with 11 other amazing photographs that will be featured in the 2012 Fair Trade Calendar. Of the 3 producer photos we submitted, our image of the rural woman hand block printing was chosen by voters. Thank you to everyone who voted for us!

Block printing is an artisan craft passed down for generations within families in India. The fabric is stamped by hand with carved blocks of wood, applying one color at a time. Mata Traders is proud to help sustain this beautiful tradition by using block printed fabrics in our clothing line.
Here are a few more of our favorite photos that won.

Aida Karam is a Canaan Fair Trade olive oil producer. Born and raised in Jalqamous village, she and her brother inherited land from their parents and have been carrying on the Palestinian traditions of planting and harvesting while adopting new organic methods to improve their soil and their environment.

Project Have Hope is a non-profit which empowers women in Uganda’s Acholi Quarter. The women are talented artisans who craft jewelry from recycled paper. Project Have Hope uses the profits to help the women establish additional income generating activities through direct loans, vocational training and agricultural initiatives
You can view all the winning photos and pre-order your own calendar at the special pre-order price at the Fair Trade Resource Network. All proceeds support the FTRN’s mission to create a market that values the people who make the food we eat and the goods we use.