Here comes Sooners for Fair Trade, one of a growing number of student-run fair trade advocacy groups popping up on college and university campuses across the U.S. and abroad. This group is starting off with a bang, planning an on-campus event called Fair Trade Fest, April 22-26:
Monday 4/22 – Filming of a “Flash Card” video – giant inspirational, educational flashcards flipped in front of a big crowd.
Tuesday 4/23 – Starting Tuesday and going all week, Sooners for Fair Trade will be at a booth in the student union handing out flyers and talking about the benefits of Fair Trade and why they are bringing it to campus.
Thursday 4/25 – Students are coming together in the “passion pit,” an outdoor amphitheater, for worship and praying over the Fair Trade organizations and the farmer and artisan workers around the world.
Friday 4/26 – Fair Trade market on the lawn with various fair trade organizations selling their goods.
So, if you’re near the University of Oklahoma campus next week, you’re gonna want to stop by to take part in the festivities. And if you’re not, well, look for that flash card video to go viral…. Yay for fair trade universities campaigns (and the students behind them)!!