Dating back many centuries, Ajrakh block-printing is a traditional Indian craft that uses vivid natural dyes and wooden blocks to print unique patterns on cotton fabric. The process is elaborate and laborious, requiring numerous stages of printing, dyeing, and washing to achieve the gorgeous designs.
Ethical Fashion Blog
As a fair trade brand, Mata Traders is passionate about ethical fashion and using our power as consumers to bring about change in the industry. So, we were thrilled to engage with other like-minded individuals at our blogger event hosted by Life+Style+Justice writer Hannah Theisen! Hannah invited local fashion bloggers along with a few Chicago-based social enterprises to come together as a conscious-minded community here at Mata headquarters.
Retailers and Factories Fail to Live Up to Promises to Improve Worker Conditions
Three years after the infamous Rana Plaza factory collapse killed over 1,100 garment factory workers in Bangladesh, reports show there are many significant safety hazards that remain in the country’s garment factories, as demonstrated by the recent Bangladesh factory fire this past February.
Spring ’17 samples are here, which means we need your help! We have to whittle this collection down to a lean, mean, stylish, fair trade fashion machine, and your opinions matter!