Happy Earth Day, everyone!

I celebrated Earth Day by having a mini picnic and wearing Mata’s ‘Blue Belle Dress‘.

By choosing to wear Mata’s clothing you are making a difference.  Usually fashion is seen as having a negative effect on our planet (lots of dyes and chemicals are used to produce garments).  Luckily for us, most of Mata Traders’ pieces are hand block printed with eco-friendly vegetable dyes.  Mata also uses fair trade cotton, which means they support small family farms and follow environmental standards that restrict the use of agrochemicals and encourage sustainability.

Love it!  Some other ways you can show the earth some love:

>plant something!  I want to plant some herbs/veggies for cooking.

>turn off the lights and have a candlelit dinner!  It sets the mood.

>turn off your iPhone and play a real board game with your friends!

>and don’t forget to shop Mata!


It’s like Maureen always says, “Everything is connected.  The point is to know it and understand it.”

