It’s 90 degrees today! Get this heat outta here. Can’t stop thinking about cool, crisp autumn days? Neither can we, so we’ve decided to bring you a liiiiiittle peek of the photo shoot of the fall collection, straight from the mouth of me, the photographer.
The Loyal Love dress in blue
She looks familiar, right? YEP. That’s Kanani, from Cycle 20 of America’s Next Top Model.
We took a shot in the dark and contacted her to see if she wanted to model for the shoot. Sure enough, she was totally on board with our mission (she wants to open her own women’s shelter, after all) and agreed to be one of the faces of the fall collection.
Our other model was Laura, who should look familiar for an entirely different reason.

The Oberlin dress in one of our favorite new florals.
As for the location of the shoot: well, we lucked out again. Our marketing director, Jonit, had recently inherited quite a bit of her late grandmother’s art, furniture, mementos, and knick knacks, so we decided to put a true vintage spin on the catalog this year and shoot Kanani and Laura among all of Jonit’s grandma’s things.
New Hampshire skirt
Her apartment has so much natural light– it was perfect for the homey, charming, vintage vibe we were going for.
Lots of little touch-ups and tweaks happen at these shoots. Jonit was on hand to turn earrings, tuck wrinkles, and block glares the whole time. She’ll now be referred to as The Blur, from all of the photos I’ve taken where she ran in to fix something and didn’t get out of the shot in time.
Zadie Bell dress, both colors
The fall collection is full of clean florals, bold prints, and vintage cuts. We had some fun with color and tested the waters with some chic wovens, perfect for work (or drinks after!):
The Speakeasy skirt
There are some familiar styles you know and love as well as some fresh silhouettes we know you’ll be excited about.
Get ready, the BRAND NEW fall collection will be in our online shop in August!