We love the ladies who create Mata dresses! On our recent visit to India, we were able to spend some time getting to know many more of the talented artisans behind our products. Today, meet Gita, a skilled seamstress at the cooperative we work with in Mumbai.

Gita is 31 years old and has been married for two years. Like many women in India, upon getting married she moved into her husband’s family home and helps to care for her mother-in-law. Gita’s husband works in an office, running errands, doing basic cleaning and making tea.

A long-standing member of the cooperative, Gita has been working here for 15 years. Having a sustainable job makes a huge difference to the levels of independence that women are able to enjoy, and Gita is no exception. She told us that the biggest difference between her current situation and before she started working is that now, when she needs to buy something she can, whereas before she was unable to afford to buy basic necessities.

Working at the co-op has given Gita a lot more exposure to the business world. She goes to sales at colleges and companies representing the workplace and enjoys meeting many new people. Gita also told us how much she appreciates and has learned from the different information sessions provided by the cooperative on topics such as domestic violence, parenting, contraception, nutrition, hygiene, seasonal health issues, HIV/AIDS and ownership of the business.

Gita was a real character in her stitching group at the co-op and it was great to get to know her a bit better.  We’re looking forward to catching up again next year!